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Women VS Men in Real Estate

by | Jan 23, 2020 | Blog, Buyers, Homeowners, Real Estate News, Renters, Sellers | 0 comments

Women VS Men in Real Estate

Women VS Men in Real Estate The Single women are outpacing single men when it comes homeownership, a new study by LendingTree shows. In some metros, single women are achieving double-digit percentages in ownership.

For example, in the New York metro area, single women own 13.3% of owner-occupied homes, whereas single men own 7.9%. In San Francisco, single women comprise 12.1% of the market share compared to single men’s 7.6%.

Single women own about 1.5 million more homes than single men do in the nation’s 50 largest metros (5.1 million versus men’s 3.5 million), according to LendingTree’s analysis. The metros with the widest gender gap between single homeowners are Richmond, Va. (where the gender gap between single women and men households is 7.1 percentage points); Buffalo, N.Y. (5.8 percentage points); and Sacramento, Calif. (5.8 percentage points).

The data used to conduct this study came from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 American Community Survey with One-Year Estimates.o determine the percentage of homeowners who were either single men or women in an area, we divided the number of homes occupied by either single men or women homeowners by the total number of owner-occupied homes in an area. It’s important to note that these percentages do not add up to 100% because there are other types of homeowners in an area, like married couples.

The following metro areas have the largest share of single-women homeowners:

Tampa, Fla.

Households owned and occupied by single women: 16.4%

Households owned and occupied by single men: 11.5%

New Orleans

Households owned and occupied by single women: 16.1%

Households owned and occupied by single men: 10.9%

Buffalo, N.Y.

Households owned and occupied by single women: 16.1%

Households owned and occupied by single men: 10.2%

Source: Lending Tree, Realtor Magazine


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