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Investing in Dubai

Investing in Dubai

Investing in Dubai

Dubai is the most crowded city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Dubai is known to be the city of the future. The reason behind the success of Dubai business, especially the Dubai real estate industry, has numerous factors including its location, tourism attractions, high investment returns, and numerous others. In an investor’s point of view, Dubai offers rental yields more than double of what is offered by the world’s major established cities such as London, Paris and New York, according to industry analysts.


World-class infrastructure
Dubai’s vision to put vigorously in its vehicle, broadcast communications and modern framework additionally, make it an alluring goal for universal organizations.

Stable currency
Pegged to the us dollar, the estimation of UAE Durham has delighted in parity and development and prompted the solidness of the import and fare exchange.

Exceedingly liquid property market

Dubai sits at the junction of Europe, Asia, and Africa giving simple access to a significant number of the world’s quickest developing markets.

Stress-free visa rules
Purchasing a property worth at least Dh1 million now allows the investor to apply for a residency permit. Recently, the country implemented a law that allows 100 percent foreign ownership of companies, followed by the introduction of a 10-year residency visa for investors and specialists.

The simplicity of business set up
Free Zones give organizations 100% outside possession; exclusion from all import obligations; 100% repatriation of capital and benefits; and opportunity from corporate tax assessment.

Open and free system
Open monetary arrangements, negligible government control, and private segment guideline have assumed an instrumental job in drawing in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

Dubai is known for

Dubai Has The Longest Automated Metro

They Also Have The Longest Automated Transportation Network. The Metro Covers A Distance Of 74.6 Km (46.4 Mi). 

The Miracle Garden Is The Largest Flower Garden In The World

Do You Like Flowers? Then A Visit To The Miracle Gardens Is A Must. This Is One Of Dubai’s Major Tourist Attractions And It Features More Than 50 Million Flowers And 250 Million Plants.

There Are ATMS Dispensing Gold Bars

While There Are Lots Of Regular ATMS That Dispense Real Money In The Form Of Durhams, There Are Also ATMS Here That Dispense Gold Bars, And Yes By That I Mean Real Gold. 

Palms Jumeirah Is The World’s Largest Man-Made Island

The Palms Jumeirah Island Is So Large That You Can Even See It From Space, And It Is The Largest Man-Made Island In The Entire World.

Home To The World’s Tallest Building

In Total It’s 828 Meters Tall, And Visitors Can Go As High As The 125th Floor. During Ramadan, The People Living In The Upper Part Of The Building Need To Wait Up Til 2 More Minutes Until The Sun Sets! 

Home To The World’s Only 7-Star Hotel

The World Records Of Dubai Never Seem To End, And They Continue To Strive For More Luxury And Mind blowing Projects.

Home To The Largest Shopping Mall In The World

Another Record-Breaking Place, The Dubai Mall, Also Known As The World’s Largest Shopping Mall In The World. 

It’s In The Middle Of The Desert, But You Can Still Go Skiing

You Might Know That This Emirate Is Situated In The Middle Of The Arabian Desert, And I Will Also Tell You That There Are No Mountains In Sight.



Searching the Internet and hiring a real estate agent works well for home buyers in the United States, but finding a property around the globe is more complex. An agent experienced with international buying can explain the visa process and regulations as well as recommend local lawyers and accountants.

Bardell Real Estate is owned by Steven and Anne Silcock, originally from Yorkshire, England and we have a team of american and British agents committed to delivering the highest possible level of service to our clients. Steve Silcock is now a Dubai International Property Consultant (DIPC).  If you have any questions regarding International (Dubai) or local Real Estate please contact us and we will be happy to assist.

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