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test page for search widgets


[optima_express_gallery_slider id=”412388″ height=”300″ rows=”1″ nav=”sides” style=”grid” columns=”4″ effect=”slide” auto=”true” interval=”5″ status=”active” sortBy=”ln” maxResults=”25″]


horizontal search widget

[optima_express_quick_search style=”horizontal” showPropertyType=”true”]


use this to keep the store links on one side and vertical search on the other 
   [optima_express_quick_search style=”vertical” showPropertyType=”true”]


or provide it with a two line search option across the page

[optima_express_quick_search style=”twoline” showPropertyType=”true”]

a map search

[optima_express_map_search height=”300″ address=”9110 us hwy 192, 34714″ zoom=”14″]